Joining Christ Lutheran - the membership question 
In the frenetic pace of our lives, we often sense that something is missing.  We yearn for God. 
In that search the question of church membership can become an obstacle to seekers.  The truth is Jesus didn't ask his disciples to join a church he simply said, "Follow me."
We invite seekers to practice following Jesus in this community called Christ Lutheran Church. Your best "newcomers instruction" will be regular worship and joining in the other faith practices.  We are not fussy.  You may participate in the life of this congregation in every way without formally joining.
Some people find that church membership helps them follow Jesus with the faith practices of prayer, worship, service, study, and giving.  Joining a community also deepens our sense of belonging and mutual purpose. 
Pastor Cate will be pleased to visit with you about any questions you may have.  If you have questions about baptism, about the beliefs or history of the Lutheran church, or joining this community, please feel free to contact us by selecting the "Contact Us" menu tab at the top of this page.  

March 11, 2025

How a little
means a lot

Easy ways to get started:

  • Fold and staple the worship folders
  • Set up the Fireside Room for after-church fellowship. Make the coffee
  • Take on some of the responsibilities of the Altar Guild; i.e. change paraments, prepare communion, clean up after communion
  • Count and deposit the weekly offering
  • Update the church website and help people find us
  • Prepare the worship leaders schedule, about every 10-12 weeks
  • Be in the know - become an editor for The Buzz
  • Have you ever thought "why don't they..." - Run for church council in January and donate your ideas
  • Anything else where you feel your talents could be put to good use 


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