What We Believe
We believe... God loves us all, showing no partiality, through the sacrificing love of Jesus Christ.
We trust in the undeserved grace of God. God speaks to all people through His Holy Word:
Jesus, the Word made flesh;
the Word made alive in our speaking guided by the Holy Spirit;
the Word written in the Bible and inspired by the Holy Spirit
God calls and gathers us to be the body of Christ in the world today.
This gathering, the Church, is God's gift to us and to the world.
We believe...
That the first purpose of the Church is to announce the peaceful reign of God in Christ Jesus,
and to share God's Holy Word and Sacraments with all people of every nation and race.
That God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed,
Luther's Small Catechism, and the Lutheran Confessions are trustworthy summaries
of the Christian faith.
That the Lutheran church is one part of the catholic (universal or Christian) Church,
and that we have a unique calling to help unite and renew the wider Church.
Our Values are...
Loving one another as Jesus loves us
Living the Gospel (the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection) in our words and in our deeds
Praying in our daily lives, including prayers for the unity and mission of our congregation
Reaching spirit led decisions by consensus through discernment in listening, patience and prayer
Speaking out for justice and reaching out with mercy and generosity to all, especially those who are hurting or lost
Providing hospitality - welcoming the stranger and one another as if we were welcoming Christ Himself
Fulfilling our life's purpose by using our God-given gifts with integrity, humility and joy
Modeling the Christian life for one another, particularly the children around us
Learning Biblical and theological wisdom and habits of faith
Supporting one another in faith by cherishing Christian fellowship and fun
Sharing God's gifts within our congregation
Our Purpose is...
…to call, gather, nurture people of all ages for the callings in daily life
for which we have been gifted;
...to build up the Christian home, the primary place of faith formation;
...to worship God in Spirit and in truth;
...and to invite the world into the household of faith through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
January 21, 2025 How a little