Church History

History of CLC

Founded in 1962 through the evangelical work of the American Lutheran Church, 

Christ Lutheran has always been a congregation with a heart for mission. 

The following prayer, found on the cover of the very first worship service folder, expresses not only the hopes of our founders, but also our history and our identity.


             Our Family


These are our hopes and dreams

Help us attain them, O God

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


  God made us a family 

We need one another

We love one another

We forgive one another


We work together

We play together

We worship together


Together we grow in God's word

Together we grow in Christ

Together we love all people

Together we serve our God

Together we hope for heaven


History of the Lutheran Church

To understand our heritage fully, one must trace our roots back through the mid-17th century, when early Lutherans came to America from Europe, settling in the Virgin Islands and the area that is now known as New York. Even before that, Martin Luther sought reform for the church in the 16th century, laying the framework for our beliefs.

Read about Lutheran Roots in America on the ELCA website >>


October 13, 2024

How a little
means a lot

Easy ways to get started:

  • Fold and staple the worship folders
  • Set up the Fireside Room for after-church fellowship. Make the coffee
  • Take on some of the responsibilities of the Altar Guild; i.e. change paraments, prepare communion, clean up after communion
  • Count and deposit the weekly offering
  • Update the church website and help people find us
  • Prepare the worship leaders schedule, about every 10-12 weeks
  • Be in the know - become an editor for The Buzz
  • Have you ever thought "why don't they..." - Run for church council in January and donate your ideas
  • Anything else where you feel your talents could be put to good use 


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